Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cut the seat post to length.

I cut my seat tube to length today, also slotted it for the clamp.Nice and tidy.

I cut it with the angle grinder and a 2mm cut off wheel.

I also have some 25mmx25mm square that I cut 2 pieces from, then cut one face off the square on each piece if this makes sense?! ending up with 2 U shaped pieces that I then filed and welded together to form a rectangle.
Its for the extension from the bb shell to the down tube, it will also carry the lower shock mount.I will join it with a cut tube mitred to the end of the down tube and then to the rectangle extension.

Square before.

And after the 2 pieces joined together.

And cleand up rough with the grinder.

And this is where it sits on the bike (a little hand filing to do yet!).

I also cleaned up the mitre on the ht/dt joint, it was pretty rough and misalined so I just have to get the centre lines of the tubes sorted and will get this brazed on.I would like to get the bb/rectangle/tube/dt all working on the drawing first before the torch comes out!Quess I could do the st brace, have to buy 2 more hole saws (28mm- 44mm) before this happens.

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