Sunday, August 31, 2008

Main pivot and lower shock mount

Firstly thanks to Rich for turning up the parts for the main pivot/rear tri in his lathe at work, they worked a treat.

Here is the pivot tube that Rich turned down and put the bearing seats into.

These are the plugs that Rich turned down, drilled and threaded, I then silver brazed them in.

And this is where they go, the seat stays and chain stays will attach on to here.

With a little filing I got the hole to the correct size and fit, it was nice and square and came up really well.

Main pivot after filing, sitting square.

Then I mocked up the assembly with the shock and lower shock mount and it all looked sweet.The alinement was within 0.5mm, which is good enough for this first one, it was a little off because of the hole that was bored through the TT for the seat tube being slightly off to one side, but its pretty good with the ST.

Mocked up and looking good.

Looking straightish and squareish!?

I then sanded and cleaned all the areas where the filler was heading, fluxed it and brazed it in position, it was a nice easy join open and square.

These vent holes are going to be filled.

Daryl was hanging out so he took some pics, this one is especially good, the smoke floating around is from the burning bearing seals that I left in the pivot tube!

I love this photo, I played with it in photoshop, I think it looks better in B&W.


I then checked the alinment again (not that I could do much if it was off !), and cleaned up the lower shock mount, fluxed it, and brazed it in to position too.

It was really hard to get the torch into this area and heat the correct parts but got it fiqured out and it came up really well, its also really hard to finish so it will be pretty much "as is" but it looks all good.

Sitting in position, looking sweet as!

On to the next part jigging the rear tri some how, I'm thinking of doing it in wood, I really just need to tack it then will braze it in the stand.I'll keep you posted.Rossco.

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