It works really well on square hits, like the rocks and roots we commonly ride on here and I have been cleaning some of the bits that I have not been able to on previous bikes.
It pedals/climbs really well and when you flick the propedal lever open on the shock and head down it hauls. It has a really good "point and shoot" character about it, being a single pivot the brake jack is reasonably evident so if you line things up and let the brakes go it just sucks everything up on the way through.
The first big day out started with a shuttle up to Scotts saddle on the Mt Hutt rd and a techy ride back down the ridge to the doc reserve at the bottom. Then 2 more shuttles riding on the DH tracks that have been built just off the access road inc a 10ft step down in the middle of the top section that we hit up. Was kinda peaky rolling into that on a bike that I have joined together my self! but it passed that small test-sweet. Had a great day out with the boys.
On Waitangi day Daryl, Chris, Bob and myself headed up to Mt Oxford for the day. This is a great day trip.
Bob heading up the steepest part of the hike-a-bike section.
Looking out from about half way up - southerly direction.
It has a reasonably brutal 2hr hike-a-bike to the summit 1000m above, and my lack of pyhsical activity was showing and was feeling worked when I reached the top plus it was blowing about 80km/h from the NW so we didn't hang out long.
The Dh on this ride is sick has some nice tech moves scattered through it and a sustained section that has your arms pumped, brakes on the fade and almost reaching for two fingers on the lever! It was super slick in the dry so there was some nice leaf litter drifting going on into some of the off camber corners! Then bamm you hit the wharfdale and on down to coopers creek where the car is parked. Coopers creek is a great little track to finish the ride on - a bit up, a bit down and nice flowing sections.
So i'm pretty happy with the ride so far and it hasn't snapped in two yet which is quite good for the confidence!
Next one, Hmmm dunno may a sweet light weight roadie or bamboo 29'er ??!! Pretty keen to build a jump HT even though I don't really ride trails I'm sure some one will ride it. I'll keep you posted, Rossco.