So since the last post I have tacked and brazed the rear tri, cut the seat stays to length and brazed them to the drop outs, also fitted the tube between the linkage plate tubes.
Firstly I cut both the seat and chainstay ends on my tube cutter with the angle set to 5 degrees, this took a bit of setting up on the clamp with the dropouts already brazed in, I just "eyeballed" them and they seemed to turn out really well, I had to do alot of cleaning and shaping with the file though.I figured that because they bolt up to the linkage plates, and long as I got the LH and RH sides parallel with each other that I'd be golden, and they were.
So for the set up on the chain stays I made up a dummy axle and put it in to the drop outs, checked all the angles were right on the drawing and that they were parallel, and just put the axle in the vice and brazed the tube on, easy.
It was a bit more of a fiddle to get the seat stays set up but once they were set up I just tacked them and then brazed away! I then slotted and finished them with the grinder the same as the first ones.
Had a lot more fun brazing the drop outs into the seat stays this time, amazing what some time and experiance does for your skills!
They cleaned up really well and look pretty sweet. I wasn't sure about them because they were cut for a hard tail mtb and as you can see my seat stays are on a pretty flat angle, but I worked out a nice way to have them attached and brazed them in then cut the tabs that were left sticking out the top off to finish them. It doesn't look to strange, and the finish on the disc side looks clean.
Then I proceeded to braze in the conecting tube between the to linkage plate tubes, I just ran a slip braze around here because I didn't think it needed a fillet.
I'm going to start another post that will fill in the gaps between photos.