I think i'll use this as a bit of a log for the frame building process, if there is any body out there that has been doing as much research as I have, they will come across it some how, its really good when there is some info on projects from beginners it makes the process seem a little less daunting, although this is probably some what of an ambitious project, I will pull it off some how?!
Have very tentatively broken out the files and torch in anger in the weekend, was pretty intimidating but slowly got in to the groove.
So I filed a half round into the backs of the stays, then slotted them with the angle grinder and a 1.0mm cut off wheel.
This had me sweating a little, as I decided to cut the slots at an angle rather than bend the tabs on the drop out themselves, but it went pretty well really. It all lines up on the drawing now, so must have done something right.
Brazed my chain stays up to the nicely machined drop outs supplied by Hank (Henry James). They came up pretty good, although the first one almost turned into a disaster, but pulled it off after much swearing and refluxing(as I heated the joint the dropout fell on the floor!).
I used a little to much brass and once again gravity wasn't on my side, had some sizey blobs on the stay itself. But with twice the experience I had with the first one I brazed the second one, and it went really well, it was much easier to clean up.
Was pretty interesting playing with the heat control, having the drop out 5.0mm thick and a tube of 1.0mm thick, but was good practice.
Second one here is still a little to much brass on there, but was sooo much better than the first one.
Heres the first one, partly cleaned up (still got the flux on, I got excited and trigger happy with the micro belt sander, really wanted to see what it looked like!), but it looks good.
The little sander I got takes quite a lot of material off when your not looking!
Have to remember to go easy when I get to the fillets!
Had them soaked o/night and came back tonight and finished cleaning them properly. They look real good, so am pretty stoked, always wonder how strong this thing will be when I'm boosting that road gap at the snow farm eh?! ;-) Later.......